
34 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, December 19, 2024



I have been slandered and libeled...a lot.

The main culprits are those that actually do what they claim

At first, it made me very upset.

Now, just a little as I watch the accusers do what they claim I do, over and over, and over.

I will slowly get over it, but my reputation has been smeared enough that many people from outside think differently of me. will see that nothing exists that they claim, yet they do.


Friday, November 22, 2024

I'm Suspended from Coaching for One Game, Meanwhile...

Silver Creek – Boys basketball – Rule 15-2.2c (An assistant boys basketball coach coached members of the Silver Creek boys basketball team during an AAU tournament during the school year out of season) 

• The Silver Creek High School boys basketball program has been issued a warning. This warning is official notice that member school by-law violation has occurred, is a matter of record, and shall not be repeated. 

• A meeting shall be scheduled with the entire boys basketball coaching staff of Silver Creek High School to review IHSAA member-school by-law 15. Once this meeting is complete, the date of the meeting, meeting agenda, and attendance shall be sent to Assistant Commissioner Lewis. 

• Assistant Coach Perry Hunter is reprimanded and not permitted to coach the first regular season contest for 2024-25 season for committing this violation. Further infractions of IHSAA member school By-Laws may result in the revocation of Perry Hunter’s coaching accreditation which is outlined in Rule 7. 

• Further digressions as they relate to Member school by-laws by student athletes, coaches, or affiliates of the boys basketball program and may include further sanctions, including but not limited to, further suspensions of coaches and/or student-athletes and/or probation for the program. 

• The administration of Silver Creek High School is commended for its handling of this member school by-law violation. Part of an IHSAA member school’s duty is to uphold the member school by-laws of its association and furthermore to self-report any violation to the Commissioner (Rule 3).

I feel like an explanation is warranted here.

I was licensed to help coach my son's AAU team this past AAU season, and we needed another player.

I told our coach about an SC player and he willingly accepted him.

I showed up for one day of two games and "coached" one of our kids breaking a rule.

I stayed at the end of the bench and kept stats and we won the tournament.

By winning, we had parents who wanted to take pictures.

Pictures were taken and shared on social media.

Our coach was contacted, I realized that I may have broken and rule and we decided on Sunday night, that Monday morning we would contact the IHSAA and self-report.

That self-report said I was guilty and I would take any punishment so that the player wouldn't be suspended.

It took about 3 months to get this back.

Another school did the same thing and got a verbal warning, no suspension and that coach did not get their name mentioned for everyone to see.

So, now, I cannot go watch the first game of my son's sophomore season, that's right, I cannot even be in the gym.

I don't understand and I realize the IHSAA has a hard job and cannot investigate every infraction, but this was done innocently in which I did minimal, if any "coaching".

I guess I will go scout and watch the game later on Hudl.

Pretty disappointing because my name has been slandered and libeled by many people and this is something that hurts my pride more than anything.

And I'm frustrated because I see many rules being broken and nothing for those schools.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Look in the Mirror

Donald Trump regained the White House last night.

And people on the Left are responding accordingly.

USA is racist.

USA is sexist.

USA is a terrible place.

If you're happy, you're privileged.

No looking inside.

No accepting responsibility.

It is his follower's and the countries fault.

They charged him with crimes that they've committed.

They tried to keep him off the ballot for what they've done.

They've called him fascist.

They've called him Hitler.

They've called him unfit.

They removed their democratically elected nominee for someone who was not a good candidate.

It is their fault.

Quit doing things for your benefit and when it explodes in your face, blaming the other side.

I pray he does a good job, but methinks it is just more division for four more years.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Who'd You Vote For?

When I get asked that question I try to nicely say "none of your business".

But I'll give you some insight.

I'm anti-war.

I'm anti changing children before they can make informed decisions.

I am pro-life.

I am pro adoption being cheaper.

I am pro knocking down the national debt.

I am anti-capital punishment.

I am pro taking care of children at all ages.

Now, I can tell you that if I voted against someone because they're not a good person, I'd never vote for anyone because if you believe everything that is coming out, they're both worthless.

But sometimes.

You hold your breath.

and you vote.

And hope it's for the right person(s).

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Subjective or Objective

I have been teaching for 26 years and the teacher evaluations at best. And I am telling you this whether I have gotten a good evaluation or, not so good. I've never received a "bad" one. Which kind of gets to my point...define good and bad here even?


I mean, how do you measure a good teacher?

Is it student success?

Is it student success in future?

Is it doing their job and controlling their classroom?'s hard to evaluate a teacher. 

I had someone tell me once you cannot evaluate a teacher based on a business example because if you're making ketchup and someone sends you a bunch of bad send them back.

But in education, we often have to make those bad tomatoes be the best tasting ketchup ever.

Teachers are measured as Highly Effective, Effective, Improvement Necessary and Ineffective.

Let me share some of the wording for these lovely subjective words.

Creating an atmosphere of respect and rapport:

HE (Highly Effective): Students and the teacher have highly positive personal interactions.

E (Effective): Interactions among individuals are respectful.

IN(Improvement Necessary): Students and the teacher rarely treat each other with respect.

IE (Ineffective): Classroom has negative interactions.

This is just one, but you tell me what the difference is in "highly" and not highly are? And how do you define negative interactions? What some see as negative others may see as positive.

Organizing Physical Space

HE: Physical environment is highly conducive to high levels of learning.

E: The Physical environment supports learning.

IN: Classroom use of space partially supports learning.

IE: Classroom environment has poor use of physical space.

We get no numbers or how "highly conducive" to "high levels of learning" is vs. just "supports learning" to "partially supports". What do these words even mean? Are there numbers or boxes we can check? 



HE: Extensive content knowledge.

E: Solid understanding of the content.

IN: Moderate understanding of the content.

IE: Little understanding of the content.

Again, define extensive, solid, moderate and little to me and if I know what is necessary to get those first two, I will do them, but I have never been given a number or even what an admin is looking for.

Throughout a teachers evaluation there are words like significant, suitable, moderate, little, meaningful use, productive use, some use, flexible, ridged, highly developed, high ethical standards, genuine sense of professionalism, accurate reflection, and on and on and on.

All of those words have meaning, yet how do you measure them in evaluating a teacher?

There should be a known number to measure each of these, and it would allow us to reach the more subjective words.

But we don't know what it takes to get those things.

So we teach, we get evaluated, we meet and are not given feedback that help us to reach higher levels of effectiveness.

Here is what I do as a teacher:

In 26 years, I have never been late.

Always in class teaching and keeping students under control.

When I miss, it’s for a good reason, and I give plenty of time. I think in 26 years, I have called the morning of missing; twice.

Grades are updated four times a day, almost every single day.

Schoology which is where we put our lessons for students who miss school or need to go back and see what we do, updated every day.

Never say no to meetings, or covering students, or allowing students to miss for field trips unless I have something that cannot not be done.

Behave in a professional manner while at school, sure I have fun, but I am not unprofessional.

Represent the school positively in the community, this is probably most subjective.

Students don’t hate me, but I am sure some don't like me. We all have personality conflicts.

In 26 years, I have sent 5 students to the office.

Do hall duty in the morning when it’s not my responsibility.

Keep track of articles about my school and post them when I have a place to show them.

Help with basketball and am considered an integral part of the program.

Clean the gym floor regularly.

Here on weekends making sure stuff is ready to go, just like tonight while typing this.

Love my students, co workers and my school. I guess this could be subjective, too.

Serve on committees when asked.

I have organized a Friday morning prayer group.

Voluntarily participated in basic Spanish class to try and know my Latino students better.

Will defend any co-worker in public and online if they are being maligned wrongly.

I volunteer to sponsor the club, FCA.

In 26 years, I have not missed my duties when I am supposed to do them but maybe 5 times.

Multiple former students email and speak with me saying I have prepared them for college.

When observed by admin, I am who I am, not trying to do different things just for that day to show off.

Now, I may be wrong and biased, but the things that I have listed that I do, can be measured with hash marks and can show if someone is a good teacher or not.

And I can tell you, that being a good teacher does not always mean they're doing the new ideas, they're collecting data (you mean like grades and graduation rates? Unfortunately, no), and doing everything that an admin can smile and point to.

Sometimes, a good teacher is someone who does their job, doesn't create unnecessary problems for admin or co-workers, does favors, has good rapport with most students, and is seen as a benefit to the school.

But how about this and I genuinely support this:

Allow students to evaluate their teachers.

Allow students to evaluate their administrators.

Allow admin to evaluate their students and teachers.

Finally, allow teachers to evaluate their students and...

their administrators.

Maybe the feedback for all of us from every direction would be eye opening data that we could look at and make changes.

But it would probably all be subjective making it hard to really understand or improve upon.

So...this barely effective teacher will continue on working for what matters and it's not the data, it's not the admin, and it's not for my co-workers.

It's for the kids and that is all that matters to me.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I Am Not an Artist

I am not an artist, but I am a teacher and there is an "art" to it.

I cannot imagine what an artist must think of critics.

They labor and work and someone who does not know everything going on, can pass by, look at it and say "'s ok".

That would drive me insane.

When it comes to teaching you can:

1. Rarely miss school.

2. Be on time every day, early even.

3. Teach and give assignments daily.

4. Keep your assignments up to date in your grades and lessons posted online...every single day.

5. You can have good relationships with your students and staff.

6. You can volunteer your time to be a part of the school community.

7. You can support and help students and staff.

8. You can be reliable and steady most every day.

9. And you can follow rules that you might not completely agree with.

And someone can walk in your room....

Look around for a short time....

And figuratively say...

"'s ok."


Master of Theology

For the last 14 months, I have been working on my Master of Theology from Global Grace Seminary.

I submitted my final paper on Sunday and am awaiting the grade which should be just fine, and have submitted payment for my diploma/transcript.'s over.

In the last 14 months, I have changed much in my thinking about this world and the what happens next and I am not sure it has all been completely for the good.

Because I believed that there were no second chances after death, I felt a little more empathy for the "mistakes" done in this life.

Now, I am not so sure that when we die, it is over...there very well could be another chance in eternity to change the way we see and feel about God.

I was against capital punishment, now I am not sure anymore.

I tried to feel sympathy and empathy for people here, but I am losing that because I do not believe this is it.

I am going to look at a couple different ministries to prepare working with/for now and after my retirement as a teacher.

I think what I have learned may have made me a little more cynical about the current state of humanity, but it is because as I learned what the actual love of God is, I can see we do not measure up no matter if He guides, lives in us, and has saved us.

I am sure as time goes on, I will regain that feeling of caring, but my gosh...caring equals hurting and I do not like to hurt.

As I have grown, I have grown horizontally as much as vertically, and I am hoping that growth makes me a better version of myself in helping others in the future.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Stop the Madness

Inbounding vs pressure defense is not that hard if the players execute.

I watch college teams not able to get the ball inbounds and then struggle because they want to dribble against the press.

Their guards start at 3 point line or just inside the half court and cut to the ball...and struggle to get it in because the defense is holding etc.

1. Get your worst two ball handlers as far away from the ball as possible. Put them opposite end of court under basket if necessary. 

2. Some things never change. Have your guards stand on the free throw lane vertically. Bottom guy screens for the top guy. Top guy curls around, if he's open, hit him. If they switch, the bottom guy has the top guy's defensive player sealed and he should be open.

3. Whichever guard gets the ball, the opposite guard sprints to the middle of the floor.

4. If the two long guys cheat up, you throw over top. If they stay back, the cutter should be open. If he's not reverse to inbounder and that passer cuts to the middle.

 Make teams pay for pressing you!


Trump is is Biden and his family.

Trump's family has made money off his has the Biden family.

Trump has been accused of sexual has Biden, and now Harris's husband with physical assault.

Trump says mean do the Democrats.

Trump allegedly paid off someone he had an affair did Bill Clinton.

Trump broke the law, but what was his intent? Hillary Clinton broke the law, but intent was all that mattered?

Trump has said things that can be construed as has Biden.

I do not like Donald Trump, I have not voted for him, but I am sick and tired of him being held to a different standard than members of politics my entire life.

If he wins the presidency which I do not think he will, the woke Left have no one else to blame but themselves.

Just be "normal".

Please be able to define simple terms that have existed for millions of years.

Please support no discrimination against trans people, but do not allow biological men into biological female places. 

Please support a woman's right to choose, but not up until birth.

Please support immigration, but understand illegal immigration is different.

Please support LGBTQ rights, but understand that not everyone understands what those initials mean.

Please support anti-genocide, but don't support terrorist groups and don't pick and choose which genocide you're going to be outraged over.

And finally, please, both sides for God's sake acknowledge that your side is not perfect and call out the wrongs that they do because when you point out the wrongs of Kamala Harris or Donald Trump and do not call out those same exact wrongs with your "team"....well, I'm not listening.

Monday, October 14, 2024

I've Tried for 10 Years (ish)

About ten years ago, I felt the Holy Spirit in me to be a more consistent person, to be who I was in my best of times.

And it's been exhausting.

As you reach out, no one reaches back.

As you try to help.

No one helps you.

As you try to love.

Love isn't replicated.

For the last year, I've really had a set back in trying to be who I am all the time in my best of times.

I am who I am in my worst of times, I fear...that is who I am naturally.

I have zero patience for two facedness.

I have zero patience for people who never give credit or a pat on the back, but are quick to criticize, heck they don't have to be quick, they just never credit and always even subtly criticize. 

I watch as I'm not invited to events.

I watch as I'm not treated equally.

I watch as I'm critiqued in a different way than others who are doing less.

I watch as I get verbal support or the occasional smile, but always superficial.

I watch and remember being slighted today and from 30 years ago.

And all that is wrong. Because I shouldn't care about those things, but I do.

So, I have been withdrawing.

Being less friendly.

Not gonna be pushed around without a fight.

Feeling like I've been taken advantage of.

Watching wrong doings being rewarded.

Seeing how people's hypocrisies are raring their ugly heads more and more.

Being less thankful.

Less loving.

And there is part of me that hates that I am going through this phase in life.

And there is part of me that embraces that maybe I'm only happy when I'm...not.

Unfortunately, I guess I'm going to act the way you're treating me, I can only be "put in my place" too often before I don't accept it anymore.


I'm not a complete a-hole.

I'm still here for the right reasons.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Hoosiers, Nah

Last year, our high school basketball team which is 3A, the second largest class based on enrollment, played at a smaller school, a 1A private school. That is the smallest class enrollment wise.

Of course, when we play them they take it as a small school playing a bigger school.

I get it, I would too.

They defeated us on a 3 pointer by an unlikely player in overtime and it was a huge victory for them for many reasons.

1. We are a much bigger school enrollment wise.

2. We have been pretty successful over the last 10+ years.

But afterwards a local multimedia organization made a highlight video of them beating us with a Hoosiers soundtrack song playing in the background as the tiny school beat the big school.

On paper, that is exactly what happened.

A little deeper look...

That smaller school had players from around the southern Indiana area and even one or two who had attended a private school in Louisville the previous year.

The bigger school relied heavily on a freshman and 3 sophomores who had not played much varsity basketball leading up to that moment. 

The smaller school relied on two juniors and a supporting cast that won their first round tournament series and was favored to go further.

And, the smaller school defeated us the previous year at our home as we were not nearly as good as we had been the previous few years, still...they won.

It was a great win for the smaller school, I am not trying to take anything away from them, but if you look deeper, I am not sure it warranted the Hoosiers nostalgia soundtrack.

This season, they come to our place and they are very good.

They have everyone back, but so do we.

They very well could win again, but I'd say this year would be a bigger win.

But...IF we win, it would be an upset because they are older have experienced more success!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Coaching Is...

Coaching takes mental strength.

Coaching takes humility.

Coaching takes strength of what you're doing is right.

Coaching is reflecting and seeing if what you're doing actually works.

Coaching is holding yourself and your players accountable.

Coaching is having the ethical courage to admit your failures.

Coaching is having the ethical courage to meet with kids face to face...for good and for bad.

Coaching is behaving like a parent (we don't have it all figured out and we need to apologize to our children sometimes)

Coaching is elevating players publicly even when they can and will let you down...publicly and sometimes worse...privately.

The more you make coaching a sport about you, the more you fail despite wins or losses.

With all of that said....

They keep score for a reason and that means that winning is important.

If winning matters, then do what it takes to win.

If winning doesn't matter (I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around that) then be consistent.

And if this all seems too much for you, then get out or be an assistant who doesn't have all the pressure on them.


Our children are created in our image.

We raise and love them.

They love us back or rebel.

When they rebel, they blame us for their misfortunes.

Yet, it is their choices that have led to these misfortunes.

Sometimes, bad things happen to them outside of their control.

That is because of someone else's bad decisions.

We still love them and are there for them when they fail or bad things happen to them.

Yea...same with God.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


"If I am one of those [faces of the sport], I'm probably a good one because I'm authentic," Hurley said. "I'm basically a high school coach masquerading at the college level. I don't really care what people think of my intensity or passion. It obviously shows up with my team with how we play. We don't cheat. We don't lie. We're about all the right things. Just at times, I'm an asshole." UCONN Men's basketball coach Dan Hurley

And I felt this in my bones.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Struggle is Real

I struggle being a good person.

I'm sure many people feel this way, but it is something that I really struggle with.

As I've grown in my faith, I can almost feel the pettiness, the anger, the "I'm going to get even" coming on and it takes a lot to stifle.

I am good as long as I think that a situation is fair, but if I don't...well, it's not good for me or the person it can be directed at.

I have almost accepted that I am "Nobody's #1" and when I say nobody, I mean nobody, but when something is directed at my wife or kids...I really struggle holding it together.

Sure, if you smart off to me, I'm going to snap back, but when it comes to them, well, let's just say that when I take the high road it is an amazing feat.

Because if I am hurt, but especially if my wife or kids are hurt, I want to hurt them back...with words, until they "give". 

It probably comes from not feeling equal growing up, but it really is dumb when you think about it.

So where is the fine line between standing up for yourself and letting stuff that really isn't that big of a deal go?

Because if there is anyone who can make a mountain out of mole hill, it's this guy...and maybe that's why I'm "Nobody's #1".

But I do try, a lot, but it so often feels like I'm trying to climb a muddy hill in the pouring rain making some progress, but slipping further back than I was when I started.

Ahhhh, I feel a little better and this is why I started this vent and to get stuff off my mind.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Some Coaching Tips Well...Because They've Been on My Mind a Lot Lately

Tips to Coaching Sports:

1. Never meet with a student athlete via Zoom. If it is that important, meet with them face to face. I cannot even begin to explain how bad this is.

2. Don't have expectations that you're not willing to do yourself. Like being at practice. We all have emergencies, but don't miss the day before a game for something that could be scheduled at a different time.

3. Do not run off your best competitors. Yes, they're probably going to be some of the hardest attitudes to deal with, but you want at least one or two on your team who are real close to standing up to you. 

4. Take your worst attitude player and give them responsibility or buy in. If their ideas work, great, if they don't they will buy in to anything you try after that.

5. Don't forget your best players and best attitude kids. Don't take them for granted.

6. Find someone you can talk to, a mentor, a friend, a coach dealing with the same things you do because you can sometimes not see the forest for the trees.

7. Realize that your coaching staff needs to be loyal. If you have a family member of a player on staff, they're not always going to see things clearly and any advice you get from them should be seen through the lens of "where is this coming from?" Ask other assistants their take on the family member advice if you're leery of it.

8. Prepare to win and don't be mad if your players want to win as bad or more than you do. Your job is to keep it in proper perspective, but...they do keep score for a reason and the higher the level of play, the more winning should be emphasized.

9. If you want everyone to play equal amounts of time from about middle school through college, coach club teams only or intramural. Student athletes are giving up a lot of their time to play to win, not just to play.

10. The more a player pushes back, at least take some time to find out if it is you and not them. You don't have to agree, but be honest with yourself.

11. Run only during practice for things you would do in that sport. Running at the end is fine, but shouldn't be only conditioning you do. Make it "fun" during practice.

12. The players are younger and less experienced than you, you should be the adult, but ultimately you may have to remove someone from the team usually from illegal activity. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Above and Beyond: To Do or Not To Do

Most teachers and coaches I know go above and beyond what they're supposed to do.

Whether it's extra time, extra money, extra anything, they are willing to do it for the good of their students, their school and themselves.

We may not like that we get paid little to nothing, but it's something that we are willing to do because we love out jobs, the expectations match the pay scale, and we care.


The more you tell us we have to do, the less we're willing to do on our own, or without pay.

You give me less plan time, I'm probably not going to grade as many things because I can usually get it done during the school day. 

Home is for me and my family.

You don't match my pay with every other corporation in our area, the love that we don't feel will show up in passive aggressive rebellion.

Yea, sometimes it will be flat out complaining in small circles, but we won't be at as many athletic events, band events, theater events, open houses, orientations, etc. that we love to do, but do without pay.

So don't pay us, take our time away, and mandate more box checking items to do, and you will see the morale drop in a school and you will also see teachers not doing things they used to love to do because, well we don't like being pushed.

A lot.

With that being said, I have had an attitude adjustment with the above things in the last couple of months.

Why do I teach?

For the kids.

Then do your dang job and teach the kids.

Check the boxes.

And teach the kids.

Do less work at home, do fewer events.

But teach the kids.

And enjoy doing what you felt called to do in the first place.

Even if someone is trying to suck the joy out of teaching.

Teach the kids.

Love the kids.

Remember why you got into education.

And do your dang job.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

What Came Between

(Watching the sun go down over the curvature of the Earth in Hawaii)

I can promise you that I use this blog to vent only.

It is probably not about you...or maybe it is.

I love my family and I love you.

Maybe doesn't mean I like you, but that is okay, we don't have to like everyone.

Personalities clash.

But...I wouldn't turn you away if you were struggling.

I may, selfishly, get a little satisfaction (Yea, I'm still growing) because you have made it known how you feel about me.

But, I don't desire any real harm to come to you.

It wasn't always this way.

There was me before and there this is me now and what came between was Jesus.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I Need Her Too

My wife is a saint.

With what she has had to put up with and deal with, she should be an angry, bitter woman, but she's not.

And her soft guidance is a quiet correction that has made me a better person.

And we all need correction, especially me!!!

But she has never been overt, it has mostly always been with the gentle hand and it may take time, but she helps me to see the error of my ways.

She lets me vent, calm down, and realize I can do better.

But Maddie...

She just happens to be a little me and it can be frustrating, I am sure for both of us.

I need her too.

Her guidance isn't always soft, it's matter of fact and confrontational.

I need her too.

She doesn't want me to slowly see the error of my ways, she wants it done now.

I need her too.

I don't deserve her, I just don't.

Being the father of her and her brother are two of the highest honors God ever bestowed upon me.

She is a great accountability partner without asking.

I need her too.

I really don't know where I'd be without the soft guidance of my wife and the firm hand of my daughter.

I thank God for both of them.

Because I need her too.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

How About You?

Do not go to social media and complain about your spouse, kids, family, friends...I mean, you can, it is America and you have the right to, but it is sort of sad.

And man...don't be so vague, if you're going to complain about someone don't leave names and specifics out. 

Get it all out there so we can know all the details.

But it might make you feel better in the moment and most everyone is going to console and soothe you, but there will be those the accusations have been made against and neutral readers who are going to judge YOU for your public judgments.

So, make a blog and vent there.

That's classier, no it really isn't (it's sort of sad too), but people aren't scrolling and reading all your unnecessary drama because I have learned that there are three sides to every story.

Your side.

Their side.

And the truth somewhere in between.

But you have to actually evaluate your own actions and stop playing the victim game especially if you're a middle to older adult.

But that is hard and we don't like hard, I don't like hard because it is painful.

I do often ask the simple question, what would Jesus do?

And I try to live by that, but I don't.

I fail.

And so do you.

But I know I do.

How about you?

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Thursday, August 1, 2024

To Be or Not To Be

To be honest, I have not worked in any field other than some manual labor the last 25 years. So I want to get that out of the way right from the beginning.

I also want to get out of the way that I know that teachers can be a whiny lot. We seem to complain about any new initiative or any new change.


We have a teacher shortage in the state of Indiana, and from what I have read, we have one from all over the country.

But today, to show our's some pizza, or you can wear jeans, or you get a card in your mailbox recognizing your birthday.

And those things are nice...


We deal with over 100 children who are represented by hundreds of family members, all who have an opinion about teachers usually coming from their experiences in school.

We deal with each other who seem over worked and under appreciated.

But it is not the students that drive this teacher to the point of retirement early, it's the people who are above me, adding more things to our plate every...singe...year.

I want to research, study and do my job in my class.

I do not need to have students leave school early weekly so I can collaborate, conversations and emails work.

I do not need to do silly "games" when we have yet another meeting that could have been covered in an email.

I do need to be able to use the bathroom when I need to.

I do need some time to decompress each day, more than a ten minute passing period in which it ends up shorter than that because students ask questions and it is the only time ALL teachers can find a bathroom.

I do need more money, if not for me, give it to the younger teachers. 

I do not need to be treated like I am a pain in the ass every year when trying to negotiate a contract.

It used to be that admin and the teachers understood we were in the same boat, it doesn't feel that way anymore.

It feels like "us" vs. "them" and the "them" are doing everything in their power to make sure the "us" are not a happy group of people.

To be fair, I don't understand what admins do or their expectations (weird isn't it?"

But you want to improve morale in a school?

On a day when we have yet another meeting that no one wants to be at or will pay the minimum attention...cancel it.

Give every teacher a $50 gift card to a restaurant.

Give every teacher $25 occasionally.

Quit having so many professional development days where you bring someone from outside into the building. IF you want those, let teachers meet and allow it to organically agenda other than be better teachers when you leave this meeting than you were before you entered.

Finally, get rid of the sick day vs. personal day to miss make liars out of all of us.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Yea, Nothing

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away...

Well, yesterday I finished 25 years as a classroom teacher and to say that I have learned a lot about my job and myself would be an understatement.

What I've learned is as follows:

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Idiocracy Wasn't Supposed to be a Documentary

It's actually happening.

Idiocracy...the movie which was made as a comedy is becoming, slowly, the USA that we live in.

If you don't know the movie, it's worth a watch, but a regular guy is put to sleep in a military test for one year, but wakes up quite a bit later than one year.

And when he starts to interact with the USA of that time, he's the smartest man in the country...and he's an average intelligent person.

When it came out, we all laughed at it and thought there is no way this happens, but it is.

And this is how.

We live in echo chambers where we only see, hear, and read anything that agrees with our preconceived notions.

Because this happens, we believe that we are smart, when in actuality, we're not.

Social media has made reading books tedious and boring.

We have every desire and need at our fingertips.

And with ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence "stuff" becoming more widely used, it is really becoming "why do we need to know anything?".

Seriously, we don't need to know anything because everything can be looked up, done and accomplished without any talent or...knowledge.

We have people who cannot define what a woman is, when life begins or even believe that the Earth is flat and "smart" people supporting Russia and Hamas. 

And I mean...a lot.

So how does Idiocracy happen then? If we're not there yet?

We will become so reliant on our devices that we will not know anything other than what we know right now and what our algorithms lead us into believing, and then, probably, at some time those devices will fail us and we won't have anything that reminds us of the times before. 

Before we relied on our devices to tell us what to believe.

Before we just believed what someone we thought was smart told us to believe or feel.

Before memes were our source of the news.

Then, we can only hope some regular guy from the past, awakens from his slumber and saves the day.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sadness Today

I'm tired...

As you age, more people in your life, it seems, die.

People older that you saw as invincible as well as people your own age...they pass away.

But young people, it's just not supposed to happen.

I have ADHD, I have no doubts.

But I grew up in the 1970's and they just didn't diagnose that unless it was blatantly obvious.

So I have grown up adjusting and surviving.

But it keeps me outraged and upset about what seems everything all the time.

And it's tiring.

It seems that so many things have surrounded me, and are smothering me.

Coaching, teaching, my family life...I'm pushed or smothered and I've learned to compartmentalize and deal and distance myself.

But then an email comes through and one of your more recent students has passed away...18 years old.

I'm tired...

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Eclipse of the Heart

On April 8, 2024, we had a solar eclipse.

It was weird because it was the first time I had been in a solar eclipse and in totality.

Totality is when the moon almost blocks out the sun and it gets nighttime dark where you are.

It was fun, interesting, bizarre, emotional, and I got to share it with my kids.

It felt weird because it made me get emotional, I mean, it's a scientific fact that eclipses will happen and have happened, they're not that big of a deal, but...

It made me feel small (in a good way) and I wondered what people a thousand years ago must have felt without the knowledge we have today.

But it has happened, it did happen, and will happen again in the future and it's not some cosmic special event, but it is something that showed the perfection and fine tuning of our world, of our universe, of our lives.

It was beautiful and humbling and if I am old enough again in 20 years, I am going to try and make it to totality again.

(above is 3:14 PM in the afternoon, just south of Brownstown Indiana)

Becoming Grandpa Hunter

I have become Gilbert Hunter, my grandfather. 

Grandpa Hunter worked through The Great Depression, survived World War II in Okinawa, then came home and in his final years, he did not recognize the country he grew up in.

Me, too, too.

I see a country that has been held accountable for its past actions, and that is a good thing, but at some point we went past what was necessary and have become...blinded...or ignorant...or both.

It is funny.

Growing up, I always loved history and saw that there wasn't really anything going on that I remember reading about in the "old days" (I know now that not to be true).

I just never thought that I would live through all of that "old days" history in just a few short years.

From a pandemic (flu vs covid) to civil rights (60's vs. BLM) to blind following of a leader or belief system (Hitler vs. Trump and Hamas). 

I often wondered how such smart people could fall for such nonsense.

But I am seeing it in real time.

Maybe it's me and not everyone else, but...

I wonder what has happened to the country that I grew up in.

Now allow me to yell at these kids on my lawn...