
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, August 1, 2024

To Be or Not To Be

To be honest, I have not worked in any field other than some manual labor the last 25 years. So I want to get that out of the way right from the beginning.

I also want to get out of the way that I know that teachers can be a whiny lot. We seem to complain about any new initiative or any new change.


We have a teacher shortage in the state of Indiana, and from what I have read, we have one from all over the country.

But today, to show our's some pizza, or you can wear jeans, or you get a card in your mailbox recognizing your birthday.

And those things are nice...


We deal with over 100 children who are represented by hundreds of family members, all who have an opinion about teachers usually coming from their experiences in school.

We deal with each other who seem over worked and under appreciated.

But it is not the students that drive this teacher to the point of retirement early, it's the people who are above me, adding more things to our plate every...singe...year.

I want to research, study and do my job in my class.

I do not need to have students leave school early weekly so I can collaborate, conversations and emails work.

I do not need to do silly "games" when we have yet another meeting that could have been covered in an email.

I do need to be able to use the bathroom when I need to.

I do need some time to decompress each day, more than a ten minute passing period in which it ends up shorter than that because students ask questions and it is the only time ALL teachers can find a bathroom.

I do need more money, if not for me, give it to the younger teachers. 

I do not need to be treated like I am a pain in the ass every year when trying to negotiate a contract.

It used to be that admin and the teachers understood we were in the same boat, it doesn't feel that way anymore.

It feels like "us" vs. "them" and the "them" are doing everything in their power to make sure the "us" are not a happy group of people.

To be fair, I don't understand what admins do or their expectations (weird isn't it?"

But you want to improve morale in a school?

On a day when we have yet another meeting that no one wants to be at or will pay the minimum attention...cancel it.

Give every teacher a $50 gift card to a restaurant.

Give every teacher $25 occasionally.

Quit having so many professional development days where you bring someone from outside into the building. IF you want those, let teachers meet and allow it to organically agenda other than be better teachers when you leave this meeting than you were before you entered.

Finally, get rid of the sick day vs. personal day to miss make liars out of all of us.