I have been glued to the news channels during this war in Ukraine.
I feel a connection to Ukraine and it's why I am heading to Poland, but...
I can't help but think of all the innocent Russians whether in the military or at home who are against this Russian aggression.
Unfortunately, in any given aggressive behavior by a government causes dislike or mistreatment of all people in that area.
We've seen it with Muslims being blamed for the actions of the extreme minority and we are seeing it with Russia.
There are many Russians who have been arrested for standing up against Vladimir Putin and many more will be arrested.
There are innocent troops who may be against the war or have been mislead or lied to about what's going on in Ukraine.
I have been to Ukraine, I've been to Kyiv...I never once thought I was in a "Nazi" country with genocide occurring. It very much seemed like a calm, peaceful European city/country.
So when I think of the innocent Ukrainians, I can't forget about the innocent Russians, too who are being subjected to a lying, evil (yes evil) leader.
I pray for all peoples in the area and I pray that we attempt in our violence to not act in vengeance, but in reconciliation.