
34 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Too Many Victims on Both Sides

March 16, 2022

I have been glued to the news channels during this war in Ukraine.

I feel a connection to Ukraine and it's why I am heading to Poland, but...

I can't help but think of all the innocent Russians whether in the military or at home who are against this Russian aggression.

Unfortunately, in any given aggressive behavior by a government causes dislike or mistreatment of all people in that area.

We've seen it with Muslims being blamed for the actions of the extreme minority and we are seeing it with Russia.

There are many Russians who have been arrested for standing up against Vladimir Putin and many more will be arrested.

There are innocent troops who may be against the war or have been mislead or lied to about what's going on in Ukraine.

I have been to Ukraine, I've been to Kyiv...I never once thought I was in a "Nazi" country with genocide occurring. It very much seemed like a calm, peaceful European city/country.

So when I think of the innocent Ukrainians, I can't forget about the innocent Russians, too who are being subjected to a lying, evil (yes evil) leader.

I pray for all peoples in the area and I pray that we attempt in our violence to not act in vengeance, but in reconciliation.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Unless Something Outside of My Control....

 March 10, 2022

Well since I have decided to go to Poland, I have been hit by a lot of "attaboys". Makes me feel funny. I am doing this in Jesus name, but I seem to be getting the attention for it. I get it, it makes sense, but it still makes me feel funny.

I am doing this because I feel convicted to go and help in Jesus name, not for me to get complimented.

In three days, I have raised around $900 from people who know I am going and wanting to help me go and help. 

Talk about overwhelming!

I am on year two of having my NPO and last year I raised funds to do what I was called to do, but by a much fewer amount of people than have reached out in the last few days.

I am so thankful for everyone who is helping me to help others.

I have had many people tell me they will pray for me, and that is great, but prayer and financial assistance is a different type of commitment and I am thankful. More than I can ever put in words.

I guess I am writing today because there are so many emotions I am experiencing.

Oh, and my family supports me. Where I am going is relatively safe and my wife and kids have gotten used to me doing this.

But my mom...she's not happy about it, she doesn't like when I travel out of country anywhere, but this is close to a war, so I get it, but mom...I am 52.

I will continue to write as I feel motivated to do so.

Still lots of mowing to do (I do that to help raise funds) until I leave.

My Thoughts on the War in Ukraine

I have been paying attention to history my entire life, I have seen the repercussions of events before and during my life.

My visit to Kyiv last summer has personalized this war with Russia invading more of Ukraine more than any other world history event in my lifetime.

And I have some thoughts.

1. Russia cannot win unless they completely pull out of the Ukraine and help to rebuild the country. That's not going to happen, I don't believe. So Russia is probably the most isolated country in the history of the world and will not change if they "win". So if Russia wins, it loses. Maybe not so much Vladimir Putin, but the Russian people who have been victimized by this action.

2. Vladimir Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, has had multiple attempts on his life from Russian agents. Zelensky has become a popular, strong leader not just in Ukraine, but throughout the world. If he lives, he will be one of the most popular politicians/leaders ever, but if he dies, he becomes a heroic martyr.  Many Ukrainian people will never fight if Zelensky is killed.

3. War is horrific. It happens every day somewhere in the world. The vision here could be given to too many places in the world.

4. If Russia uses a false flag to bomb somewhere inside the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, World War III will have started. Any aggression towards a NATO country will be a direct attack on the United States. This will get the US involved and will escalate the fighting. If there is any indication of how bad Russia's military is from it's lack of quick win in Ukraine, then they could very well feel pushed in a corner. That corner could have just one option and that is a nuclear military strike. Escalation is not good, yet we cannot let this stand.

5. This is not President Trump's or President Biden's fault. I don't care how either President handled Ukraine or Putin before this. This invasion is completely and totally the leader of Russia Vladimir Putin's fault. To make this a political gain to blame a US President is wrong.

6. There are three options here: complete Russian pullout, guerrilla warfare for a long time under Russian occupation or escalation. The first is the best, but I am not sure it will happen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Conviction: A Strong Persuasion or Belief (Poland)

March 8, 2022

"Go"...Jesus said.

Conviction is a strong persuasion or belief. I have felt convicted many times in my life and I have not followed through.

I am doing it now.

I feel convicted to go to Poland to help in any way because of my time spent in Ukraine. My time spent there with the people was wonderful and watching what the people are going through is hard to watch.

So, I'm going.

It seems dangerous, especially to people who may not travel internationally, but it won't be anymore than any other trip as I will meet up with two old friends who coach a pro basketball team in Lublin.

There are some loop holes to jump through (is that the correct saying?), but I will help in some way from stacking or moving good, to feeding people, to giving money to organizations in that area to help.

I have been overwhelmed by those who have donated to help me do this and I won't let you down.

The plane ticket is bought and I am just waiting to go....

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Thank God (literally)

I was baptized at 32.

I was doubter, questioner, I guess agnostic up until then, so I guess I don't get it.

I see it in my family of people who have grown up in the church and I see it in others who grew up in the church, this callousness that we can develop with cynicism.

Jesus becomes a fall back, an emotional entity when we feel compassion. He's not an every day, want to live for entity.

And I guess that's why I don't get it.

What I don't get is the consistent lambasting and arguing of believers online. I mean, seriously, what difference are we making? In fact, we're probably turning more people away by behaving that way. We may feel better about ourselves, but we're just tickling the ears that agree with us and angering those who disagree.

And in that group, there may be someone leaning one way or another and your interaction can push them one way or another.

Look, I am not perfect, in fact, I am as far away from it as you can probably get and still be legal. I am too emotional sometimes especially when someone or something I love is attacked. Call it the small town Indiana in me, but I have a chip on my shoulder. But in the old days, I would keep a list of enemies in my head of people I would have nothing to do with anymore. Now, I realize I have probably failed in many ways and I try to ask for forgiveness.

But in a very real world that we live in, people are hurting. People are struggling mentally and physically and I don't want to add to it....intentionally.

So when it comes to illegal immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ, atheists, etc, etc, etc...I have an opinion. In fact, I have many thought out opinions that probably most of you or many of you would disagree with and I am ok with that. And I am really ok with keeping those opinions off social media. Face to face, we can have a talk, I am good with it, but I am not going to turn people away from Jesus because of...well, me and my behavior.

All of those above groups and every other group from divorced people, people in prison, murderers, rapists, child molesters, every single person on this planet, I am going to love and hope that they ask for repentance because I believe that no one is outside the grace of God through Jesus. And I truly believe that we all need is to accept that grace.

My issue is I do not want anyone to reject Jesus because as a follower of Him, I have given them a reason to not want to be in the "club" when we all need that club in our daily lives and for the life after this one here on Earth.

We have laws in this country, yes, I believe that, but there are people here legally, illegally, I don't care, I am going to help and love them if I can. My job is not to enforce the law, my job is to enforce the love of Jesus. I support our lawmakers, I support the laws being enforced, but I do not support or enforce the dislike or hate of the law breaker. 

I can't

Because I am a law breaker too.

Thank God (literally) for Jesus!

I have been asked and written about this before, but I give money to the homeless on the street, I will give money to people who ask me at a gas pump for help to get to wherever they're going and I know, absolutely know that I have been taken advantage of before.

My belief is that what I do in that situation is between me and God, what they do with my help is between them and God.

I'd rather be taken advantage of 100 times and be right once, than to be taken advantage of 100 times and be wrong that one time when I could have helped.

I write this to remind you, and me, that we need checked from time to time, that we need to look in the mirror and figure out are we being consistent? 

Are we being consistent on what we say we believe and how we live that out.

I wish you well.