Psalm 96:3 "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples" ن
Thursday, July 22, 2010
ABC's of Basketball
A lways be a threat on offense (whether the play or offense is for you or not).
B ump cutters on defense.
C haracter matters in all things.
D efense wins championships.
E very defensive rebound is ours!
F undamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals.
G et offensive rebounds.
H ave elbows out off the dribble and off rebounds (chin it).
I ntensity (compete, compete, compete)
J ust do it (get off your rear and get better)!
K eep working while minimizing mistakes.
L isten (a rare skill today).
M ental toughness is everything.
O ne goal (play as a team).
P ressure the offense, but don't get beaten.
Q uick, but don't hurry.
R eady for rebounds, loose balls, and bad passes (never caught off guard).
S tay positive.
T eam work.
U nselfish at all times.
giVe back
W in in many different ways, both on court and off.
eX citement (bring it every day).
Y ear round committment.
Z ip and rip off the catch