
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I Need Her Too

My wife is a saint.

With what she has had to put up with and deal with, she should be an angry, bitter woman, but she's not.

And her soft guidance is a quiet correction that has made me a better person.

And we all need correction, especially me!!!

But she has never been overt, it has mostly always been with the gentle hand and it may take time, but she helps me to see the error of my ways.

She lets me vent, calm down, and realize I can do better.

But Maddie...

She just happens to be a little me and it can be frustrating, I am sure for both of us.

I need her too.

Her guidance isn't always soft, it's matter of fact and confrontational.

I need her too.

She doesn't want me to slowly see the error of my ways, she wants it done now.

I need her too.

I don't deserve her, I just don't.

Being the father of her and her brother are two of the highest honors God ever bestowed upon me.

She is a great accountability partner without asking.

I need her too.

I really don't know where I'd be without the soft guidance of my wife and the firm hand of my daughter.

I thank God for both of them.

Because I need her too.