There's too much information and too many people have too many "informed" opinions on any given situation due to that.
Yea, I know. That sounds bad, but a few uninformed people would be nice for the informed to lead around, right?
Yea, probably not.
But what has happened is that too many people feel that they are as informed as experts on situations.
But to be fair, experts in one field tend to give us their "expert" opinion on issues they don't know as much as we probably do.
I believe what I believe and I believe in the absolute truth of Jesus Christ, but I cannot understand people who are closed minded enough to not want dialogue on any given issue.
I will even discuss, debate, dialogue on Jesus.
But people close their minds, and often those who think they're uber open minded are closed just inside a different set of points.
And then there's me who has taught social studies for 24 years now and have been intentional in using logic and reason to discuss any given point.
I want my students to think!
But thinking is not being done. It's not being done by the closed minded, uninformed, emotional, knee jerk reactionaries and it's not being done by (gasp) the elite, intelegensia.
One side doesn't care to think and the other side...well, they have it all figured out and there is no questioning"expertise" as deep thinkers.
I am not sure which is worse, I really don't.