
31 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

I Am Choosing Love (Except when competing which is a failure of mine)

I have sat back for the last 16 years and have developed my feelings and thoughts on Christianity and politics.

I really struggle with those two things because as politics have become even more polarized, my opinion usually only tickles the ears of those who think similarly to me.

And too often, my opinion will just push people away from what I believe is the greatest thing I can share and that's the love of Christ.

Yet, if I am not showing it in a public and private manner, I very well could be pushing away from Him.

And I have had it with the growing, ugly head of Christian Nationalism in the the USA.

Sure, I believe that we are a dominantly Christian nation, but too many of us have put too much of our faith in the political leaders of this country.

We claim that God wants this candidate or that one.

We should vote how God would want us to. (Which party? That party that supports the unborn or the one who believes the government should help the poor?)

I do believe that God is all powerful, I believe that God can control anything here, but for us to put so much "faith" in President is alarming to me as I have grown in my faith.

Not only that, we will then vilify a President because he violates his faith's commandments.

Guess what?

We cannot vote in a God fearing leader any more than we can vote out someone we believe who is not.

We can only live our lives, growing in our faith, while helping and loving others...everyone.

We cannot be a church of Sunday only, we have to take those messages into the streets and to online.

Sure, I believe in sin, I believe a lot of people are sinning, but I guarantee that I am right up there with anyone.

But our job is not to condemn, it's to love as Jesus said he loved us....period.

Any of their issues will be worked out after they die, but that's between them and God, not between them and me.

And loving them does not justify their behavior any more than them loving me justifies mine.

It's a tough road, one that I fight every day.

How can I be the love of God and still stand for "right" vs. "wrong".

Let me know if you find out an easy way to do so and remember to be easy on me.