
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Good Guys?

It is unpopular to state anymore, but there are good guys in this world and there are bad guys.

And the good guys are not the perfect guys, but they're still the good guys.

Have you ever noticed that the people who want a democracy (50% + 1) are those that are in the majority?

Oh, yea...just watch when they're not in the majority and how much they call certain issues "unfair", "discriminatory" and any other bad name you can come up with.

Yea, a democracy is nice if you're in the majority, but thank God we live in a Constitutional Republic where the majority can control issues, but the minority has rights and can be heard and can, through elections in states, etc gain an advantage.

It does not happen in any other country that is not the USA, Western Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and maybe a few South American countries.

Those places are majority rule and it is done by force.

That does not exist here.

If you think it does, you should visit some place outside of your bubble and better  yet, go live there for awhile.

It's probably actually cheaper to do so.

Then come back.


Kiss the ground that you live on where freedom actually means something.