
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Athletes in Action

The first time I ever heard of Athletes in Action was during an IU basketball game in the early 1980's.  Then colleges would play scrimmages before the season against foreign teams and AIA.  I remember asking someone what AIA stood for and it was explained to me.  I didn't really get it, but whatever, IU was winning the basketball game.

I have kept in touch with AIA recently just because I am interested in any group that furthers the Lord's work and AIA is one of those.  I have wanted to get into sports ministry more and more recently, so waaaay back last fall, I filled out an online application to coach for AIA or to work a clinic.  I filled out the app and three people had to fill out reference emails.  Finally, I spoke to Kelly Combs, former college coach and now with AIA, for about 45 minutes one day on the phone.  During that conversation, I gave my testimony as well as what I believe the Lord is calling me to do.

I must have done something right as Coach Combs contacted me the other day that I had been selected to serve with them this summer in some capacity.  It was going to be up to me what I felt called to do.  There were options to be an assistant coach in Brazil and Southeast Asia, or I could go work coaching clinics at three different places in Africa. 

Since I had gotten to know Coach Combs a little through the interview process and through email, I chose to go with him, to be his assistant on the Southeast Asia tour.  I have filled out the paperwork and will start soon in raising the money for this mission trip.  I am excited, yet a little nervous.  It requires two things I am not a huge fan of and that is flying and being away from my family for an extended time.

I want to thank all of those people who have been supportive in the changes I am making and will make soon.  I hope that you pray for me and my family and I will probably even post soon how you can donate some money towards my trip if you feel compelled to do so.