For the last 14 months, I have been working on my Master of Theology from Global Grace Seminary.
I submitted my final paper on Sunday and am awaiting the grade which should be just fine, and have submitted payment for my diploma/transcript.'s over.
In the last 14 months, I have changed much in my thinking about this world and the what happens next and I am not sure it has all been completely for the good.
Because I believed that there were no second chances after death, I felt a little more empathy for the "mistakes" done in this life.
Now, I am not so sure that when we die, it is over...there very well could be another chance in eternity to change the way we see and feel about God.
I was against capital punishment, now I am not sure anymore.
I tried to feel sympathy and empathy for people here, but I am losing that because I do not believe this is it.
I am going to look at a couple different ministries to prepare working with/for now and after my retirement as a teacher.
I think what I have learned may have made me a little more cynical about the current state of humanity, but it is because as I learned what the actual love of God is, I can see we do not measure up no matter if He guides, lives in us, and has saved us.
I am sure as time goes on, I will regain that feeling of caring, but my gosh...caring equals hurting and I do not like to hurt.
As I have grown, I have grown horizontally as much as vertically, and I am hoping that growth makes me a better version of myself in helping others in the future.