
34 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Are You Super-Religious?

Ever have someone do you a favor, out of the blue, for no other reason than that they care about you and want to help? Probably our parents more than anyone and boy do we take them for granted?!

How did that make you feel?

I can tell you how I felt.

I felt ashamed that I needed help.

I felt overwhelmed that someone would do such a thing to help me.

I felt a sense of loyalty to this person.

I felt that I could never truly repay them, but I would try.

I felt a strong attachment to that person because of their kindness.

Now...I want you to consider and think about this.

If you believe that there is a God in heaven...

If you believe that He sent His Son to Earth...

If you believe that His Son showed us a way to live on Earth...

If you believe that same Son went to the cross to die for our atonement...

If you believe that Son, Jesus, died for us to have everlasting life sharing it with him...

How in the world could it not change you?

How in the world could it not change your perspective?

How in the world could you not be so thankful that you tried to live for Him every day?

I get asked occasionally if I am "super religious", and what is crazy is that I often get caught with trying to phrase exactly  what my answer should be.

So here it is...I believe that what was done for me is like no other "favor" I could ever ask for and it is only logical that I live each day thankful to the extreme for it.

And that favor changed me for the good, it only makes sense that I would want to share it, with anyone and everyone who will listen.

If that makes me super religious, call me guilty.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

8:13 AM

People who have things going well are the ones who post positive stuff on social media, and trust me, I see plenty of negative stuff.

But when you feel good, you tend to be more positive, but I wonder how they feel when things are not going their way?

Do they remain positive and upbeat?

Only if you have an attitude of gratitude all the time, can you be somewhat positive most of the time. 

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and thankful is being pleased and relieved.

I can sit here and type about all the things that are not good in my life, all the things that make me upset, all the things that I wish were different, and I can promise you there are many things that could and do bring me down. 

But I try, I try to stay focused on what is good. 

I woke up this morning relatively happy.

I have a beautiful wife who makes my life more fulfilled.

I have a son who came to work with me and I get to spend time with him.

I got to kiss my daughter goodbye as she was preparing for eLearning.

My son was hungry, and I had the money to go and get him donuts at the local grocery store and see him smile.

I came to work at a place I love at a job I love.

I have interacted with the future of America multiple times today.

I got to speak to a wonderful co-worker of mine and her young son.

And I believe in loving God who sent His son to die for my sins giving me eternal hope.

And that is all by 8:13 AM.