
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Saturday, July 23, 2011

When Bad Things Happen to Good Coaches

I will be the first to do two things:

1. admit that I have coached for 1 A.D. and 3 Principals and have had full support, to my knowledge, from all four people.  I have zero stories of threats by administration towards whether I am coach or not, I will even go so far to say that I have had zero problems with school board members.  I realize that they hear talk and complaints, but it hasn't reached the level that they have spoken to me.  Maybe it has gotten bad, but they have been professional and kept it to themselves.  With that said, it could change at anytime, I understand that.

2. admit that basketball coaches can do some really stupid things.  I am not going to discuss details here, but there have been coaches fired for doing immoral and unethical things.  We are human beings, we will make mistakes...that doesn't make it any less stupid.  I will also admit that I have done some pretty stupid things that haven't broached a fireable offense, but that would be subjective to many people.

With those two things being said, there have been many coaches in the last 5 years that I have noticed that have resigned or been fired that should not have been forced in either situation.  Some of these coaches were successfull, but someone (board/administration) was wanting to make room for someone else (I would not want to coach in that situation at all).  Some of these coaches were let go in the time that their talent level had dipped.  It happens at all schools, but even more so at smaller schools.

Most people don't put much thought into what this pressure puts on a coach, but more importantly to a coaches family.  Most coaches are big boys, or girls, and can handle isn't fun, but they can handle it.  But imagine their wives or children having to hear and deal with these things.  These negative situations are usually public and everyone is dragged through the proverbial mud.  It isn't something that happens when doctors, accountants or salesman lose their jobs.  It isn't fair, but it is part of the job when you take a job like high school basketball coach in Indiana, you realize that it happens.

It's unfortunate to see highly successful coaches who are doing things the right way to be under pressure and then removed.  Believe it or not, most high school coaches are not coaching for the money.  They might be coaching for themselves, their need for competition and their need to feel good about themselves, but most are coaching because they want to compete and want to help kids.  Maybe that is idealistic but it is what I believe.

I think it is important to understand that all coaches do not want to lose.  If winning were easy everybody would be doing it, but we are all trying to beat each other.  Therefore, if your talent level is down that team probably won't do as well.  I think it is important to take into everything that is going on around a program before you remove the coach.  Is the talent down?  Do the kids respect the coach?  Is the coach working hard?  Is the coach a moral guy?  and many other questions that have nothing to do with winning, but.....

I do realize that it is high school basketball in Indiana and that many people want to win.  I understand that at some point if you don't win the grumblings will get louder and louder.  I understand that at some point the administration and school boards may get tired of hearing about the basketball coach (squeeky wheel gets noticed).  I understand that when that happens, they will find anything they can to pressure you to step down or be fired.  I understand all of that, and I understand that it might be time for the coach to go which won't usually be an easy parting.  Think divorce and you understand maybe a little why it could get ugly.

The only thing that I can offer is this and it goes not just for basketball coaches, but in any position where there is negativity.  If you are a supporter, speak up.  Usually people are most vocal when they are unhappy, just look at politics especially during election time.  A small minority can affect the outcome of job positions especially basketball coaches.  If you think your coach is doing a good job, tell the administration and school board members.  I would bet that often the silent majority is shocked and/or upset when something like this happens but hasn't spoken up.  So speak up when you hear rumors or grumblings.

Most people wouldn't understand that high school coaches are pretty close.  We are willing to share information on other teams and even our own philosophies to other coaches.  We are trying to beat each other, but besides our family, we probably support each other more than you could understand and it is because of shared experiences.  This isn't a personal issue for me because of something I have gone through (a coach once told me that there are two types of coaches: those who have been fired and those who will be fired), but it is a personal issue in that I have seen people I consider friends go through this.  It is personal because  I know what we go through as coaches and most coaches, not all, deserve better.