
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Balance in Life

We did something a little differently this summer basketball wise, we are taking all of July off.  We used to have the "old school" open gyms, but we had low turnout and I think we all needed a break.  I know I did but many of the guys wanted to play some more once the down period was over after July 4th week, but I told them no.  I think it is good that they want to be IN the gym and not want to stay AWAY from the gym.  So we will get started back up once school starts with open gyms and conditioning starting sometime in October.

It is nice to take some time and stay away from not only the gym, but also the school.  I have not been up there, but one time in 3 weeks.  I have done a lot of yard work and spending time with the kids, trying to make up for all the time I miss from October to March.  I have tried not to miss their events since the season ended even though it won't kill them to have me not there, it is something that I don't want to look back on and regret because I didn't go enough.  It is like when I get frustrated at night when the kids want me to read to them, yet I am tired.  All I have to do is think about how it won't be long when they won't want me to read to them, they won't want me around, and they will be reading to their own I stay, read, and smile.

We all got away for a few days to Michigan City, IN for a mini vacation.  There is a nice beach up there at Washington Park and I just wanted to be on a beach without driving forever and spending a ton of money.  Who knows, maybe we will go back up in August.  But I have been writing my "autobiography" lately and I think about all of the great times that I had with my mom and dad as a kid and I want my kids to have positive memories too. 

I really like the picture to the side that my wife took while walking to the car and without my knowledge.  Hopefully, they will want to hold my hand for a long time as we walk because I don't know if I will see them as anything other than my "little kids".  I hope that I do a good job in being a father that it will help my daughter to understand what she deserves in a man to marry and my son understands what it is to be a father.  I know that my parents did that and it is something that I hope I can pass onto them.

You see, basketball is important to me, but it isn't my life.  All of this stuff that I write about is important, but isn't necessarily my life.  My life is the picture above, along with my wife, trying to live a good life and helping to better the world by sending two more good people off into it.  To me, it isn't about what I have done, what I am doing, or what I will do, it is about giving back.  I have been greatly blessed, sure I have had some down times, but who hasn't, and I feel it is only important to give back.  Hopefully, I am doing that most days and teaching my children the same thing.

(We did stop by Valparaiso University and take a look at the gym and their facilities...come on, it is a basketball family for crying out loud!)