
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Friday, July 1, 2011

Down Time

After working in Iceland for 12 days and working with my own team before I left and then a mad dash when I got back (we played 16 games in 6 days) left me needing some time to re-energize my batteries.  Not just on basketball, but getting some stuff done around the house.

I am not an NBA player, but basketball has helped me get many of the things that I have in my life.  It motivated me to get my education degree, it was something that my wife and I had in common, it is something that has allowed me to meet many great kids and people, and it has allowed me to travel around the state, the country and parts of Europe.  So I love basketball...very much.  But, it has been nice to get away.

It has been nice to be dad and husband.  It has been nice to do yard work.  It has been nice to stay up late and sleep late knowing that I don't have any pressing commitments.  It has been nice to go to tennis practice, gymnastics practice, and playing in the backyard.  It has been nice to sleep in my own bed (see previous article) and to be there for my wife to share in the home problems (you know, like "he took my paper!" or "she hit me!"). 

I have been blessed in many ways and I believe that basketball has helped in those blessings, but it is nice to get away once in awhile.  But I am sure with the upcoming AAU tournaments that it won't be long before I am hanging around those tournaments watching a Henryville player competing or who the next great player is going to be trying to schmooze with college coaches.