
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year...and Happy Old Year!

Every year seems to have its own ups and downs.  You deal with happiness and sadness.  You deal with births and deaths.  You worry too much about things that don't matter, and don't worry enough about those that do.  You begin each year with all of these feelings of beginning, something new as you end an old worn out old year.  You feel that there is nothing that can stop you from making the new year the best ever and that the old one was one of the worst ever.

On New Year's Eve of 2011, I was in 85 degree weather at Disney World in Orlando, Florida.  I had already made up my mind that I was finished coaching varsity basketball and the rest of the season had its lumps, but it was stress free for me.  To be honest, I couldn't wait to be rid of the yoke around my neck that coaching varsity basketball in Indiana had become.

We finished our season on a Tuesday in the sectional actually in February on the 27th.  The next two days were upsetting in that I didn't feel we played as well as we could have, but it was over.  I had cleaned out my office and was looking forward to not being the basketball coach at Henryville.  Then came March 2nd.

It started like any other day and there were warnings about bad weather.  But I had planned on going to a sectional semi-final that night and we were at school until 2:40.  That's when the fun began.  A pastor that I read a lot of his writings, Francis Chan, says we should pray a prayer that is scary.  That we should pray to be drawn nearer to God...whatever it takes.  I prayed that often.  On March 2 became a time in my life that I did just that and not out of devotion, but of necessity.

After surviving an EF-4 tornado going right over me at school, our school destroyed, my father's brother (my uncle) dying, our school being moved to a closet in Scottsburg, my panic attack and anxiety, going to Indonesia with Athletes in Action and speaking to anyone who will listen, I have been drawn nearer to the Lord.  You always think when you will be drawn nearer to God, it will be winning a million dollars or by the birth of your child (I know what I am talking about on the second).  You never think that it will be something as dramatic and devastating as what happened.

So, here I am in 30 degree weather on New Year's Eve of 2012 waiting for the 2013 in southern Indiana.  I have survived an EF-4 tornado, the Mayan calendar, and the antics of my children.  I will continue to grow nearer to the Lord, whatever it takes.  I will continue to speak to anyone who will listen about my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  And I will thank the Lord for each day because nothing is guaranteed, our lives are but vapor.  If you are wallowing in your own self-importance, please realize that this world isn't about you, it will go on after you are dead.  What will be your legacy?  What will they say about you?  That you were rich?  That you were powerful?  That you were a swell guy?  I hope people say when my name is mentioned "he loved God, and he loved people". 

Thank you 2012 all of the ups and downs for making me who I am and I look forward to 2013 developing me even more and whatever it brings.  Even if I have to keep one eye on the weather channel and one eye towards the sky.