
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good Intentions

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is a proverb that has been around for many years.  With the new year upon us, it is often a time that we make resolutions to be different, to be better and we do so with good intentions.  However, within weeks, if not days, our good intentions falter and we fall back to what we were before.

At the mid season point in basketball, every team is in the midst of a journey.  If that team is winning, their resolution is to continue doing what they have done so far.  If that team is not winning, their resolution may be to get on the right track or stay on the right track and compete for some success when the games get started again.

By the end of January, those good intentions will have been played out or...not.  What causes these good intentions to falter or succeed?  Mental toughness.  If you are faltering by the end of December, it is going to take a monumental effort to not be faltering after January, but it can be done. 

I would be willing to bet that not too many resolutions have been kept for the new year throughout humankind.  Why?  Because, those that are motivated or disciplined do not need a new resolution, they are already living the life they need to be successful.  However, a little reminder doesn't hurt for coaches or players, so here is a Basketball Resolution for the new year.

I will take responsibility for myself, my team and work to improve each day.

I will love my team, understanding that even though we have differences, we are together in this.

I will be faithful to my team, teammates, and coaches by saying nothing negatively publicly or online.

I will help to improve myself, my teammates, and be an example for those younger than I.

I will compete fearing no one and respecting everyone.

I will forgive those who have wronged me to focus on improving our team.

I will learn from my mistakes and walk with integrity in positive and negative situations.

I will seek to honor my parents, my school, my community, my teammates, and my coaches with my play and effort.

I will work every day to fulfill this resolution stopping to reflect each day after practice or games.

By executing this resolution, I cannot guarantee any more wins for your team, but I can guarantee that you will be a team that is fun to watch and one that is respected by not just your fan base, but those surrounding communities on your schedule.  I think you can do these thing and still be a competitor, because it more about respecting the game than it is about being soft.  There is nothing soft about this resolution, in fact, it takes a lot of toughness to do these things every day.