
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Indian Ocean and More Thoughts

I am typing this at 9:30 PM local time and 10: 30 AM back home.  I have the Muslim call to prayer going on in the background, it is something I haven't gotten completely used to, and definitely something I have never been a part of every day.  I am horribly missing my family.  I see pictures of my wife and she got a haircut which I love.  She is so beautiful and gave me the greatest gifts of all..guiding me to my salvation and my children.

Today, we were able to head to Anyer Beach in the western part of the country.  It was supposed to be a relaxing day, but the roads were awful and took a long time to get there.  We stayed for a couple of hours, then headed back...another long trip back.  After what I have seen here and what happened on March 2, there are so many things that we complain about that makes zero sense.  Who cares about a long bus ride to put your feet in The Indian Ocean, yet we do it.  It is human nature to complain about anything that inconveniences us.

So often we talk a certain way and what we stand for, but when it comes down actually following through with those words, we come up short.  I am telling you, I have always believed that the U.S. is the 1% when it comes to opportunity and hope, but being here reinforces it even more.  There are people living in this third world country who have lived that way for generations and will for many more unless more people like Pak James Bealdy and U.S. citizens step in to help.  There are plenty of ways to help in the US and I challenge you to do that, but we are all human beings.  Why is it wrong to help people anywhere?  I have found that many people who say "we should be helping Americans first", rarely do just that.  They are frustrated with a worldview, but do little to help in their own little corner of the world.

I challenge you and I challenge myself to do more.  To whom much is given, much is expected.  I know that many people in my hometown have been helped and have helped each other after the tornado and it is wonderful.  But I challenge you to help whenever you can, whomever you can, wherever they are, in your hometown or in Southeast Asia.  What have you done, what have I done today to give someone hope?