
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Leaving Indonesia....yep, I wrote it.

We leave in the morning to head back to the USA.  Here in Southeast Asia, it is the third time I have spent a large amount of time away from my family dealing with basketball.  This time was different for sure, but it always causes bittersweet feelings.  You are sad.  You have become connected to so many new people from a new place and you learn to rely on them, but you are also happy because it is time to head back "home".

This is the last time I will probably get to write until we get home, back home again in Indiana.  We have an interesting time here.  We have probably experienced so many things together in three weeks that often don't happen.  From broken rims to broken floors, to players and coaches being treated like celebrities to sharing our faith, it has brought us closer together.

But I cannot wait to get home.  To feel the arms and kisses from Kristi, Maddie, and Brandon will surely be like every other will feel like home.  I hope none of them have forgotten about me and that it won't take too long to get back in the flow.  I won't have much time anyway...back home Saturday, back to school Monday and dealing with an 11 hour jet lag.

I can't wait.  Thank you Indonesia for your great hospitality, but can't wait, Lord willing, to get home.