
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stepping out of the Comfort Zone....Part 2

When I head to Europe in a few days, I have many apprehensions that come with stepping out of your comfort zone, however, there have been many things that have helped to relieve some of those fears.

First, I had a question with my plane ticket from Louisville to New York. I called Continental and the service rep there was very nice and helpful.

Second, I have spoken to quite a few people who have told me that the airport in Frankfurt will pose few problems.

Third, I have been told that many people especially the younger people over there speak English quite well. I think my biggest fear with this is that I don't want to come off disrespectful to their culture.

Fourth, I want to say that every single person that I have met from that area has been more than reassuring about how I will be treated. I have many new friends from that area in which if they are representative of Serbia and Macedonia, I have few worries. I will be there for basketball and hope that it is the international language of all at the camps!

Fifth, the food...well, I am picky but I am sure I will find something to eat and may take peanut butter and crackers.

Lastly, my family...yeah...I got nothing. It's going to be hard.

Thanks to former Henryville Hornet Javier Bunes from Spain, Macedonians Tane Spasev, Borce Ilievski, and Robert Trajkov and U.S. travelers (US diplomat) Rodney Hunter and UPS pilot Buddy Coats...and many others for alleviating my fears.