
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Monday, May 17, 2010


(Currently reading Oregon State men's basketball coaches "A Game of Character")
I learned many life lessons growing up in the Hunter household, but one thing that I have carried over from observations in my childhood to as an adult is reading. Growing up, my dad David, was always reading something. I think about it now, but that example helped me to give into something that I wanted to do and that was, read.

I would find books at yard sales about baseball and its history and would sit and read an entire 300 page book in one day. I will be honest, I haven't read that many diverse books, but I read. I estimate anywhere from five thousand to seven thousands book that I have read in my lifetime.

I read mostly autobiographies and biographies on basketball coaches now, but have read history books, fictional books and non fictional books. I consistently want a book that I am reading. I really enjoyed the "Left Behind" series, and I enjoy John Grisham books.

Why is reading so important? I believe that it helps you to grow your mind, to become smarter. What's the commercial slogan from the 90's? "The more you know, the more you grow." It is true that reading can make you more intelligent and intelligence will help you more in life.

My wife and now me, but I will give Kristi most of the credit, we have read to our children since they were babies. Our daughter now loves going to book stores and yard sales and wants us to buy her books. In our modern society, I take pride in that. We are working on our son now, and at two, he wants a story read to him every night. I hope we are instilling our love for reading in them as I believe it as important as just about anything we do in raising them.

But, it's not just books that I read. I have yet given into the technological age of reading papers online. I enjoy eating a small breakfast every morning and reading the newspaper. Of course, I go to the sports section first, but will open up the rest of the paper and check the headlines and read what interests me. Also, I enjoy magazines like Time and Newsweek to keep up with current events and other news.

If you are a parent, read to your children. If you are a student, read for yourself. Finally, if you are an adult or parent...keep reading for yourself. You just may be planting a seed for your children or those around you. Reading is important, important, important for individual development.