
34 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Hoosiers, Nah

Last year, our high school basketball team which is 3A, the second largest class based on enrollment, played at a smaller school, a 1A private school. That is the smallest class enrollment wise.

Of course, when we play them they take it as a small school playing a bigger school.

I get it, I would too.

They defeated us on a 3 pointer by an unlikely player in overtime and it was a huge victory for them for many reasons.

1. We are a much bigger school enrollment wise.

2. We have been pretty successful over the last 10+ years.

But afterwards a local multimedia organization made a highlight video of them beating us with a Hoosiers soundtrack song playing in the background as the tiny school beat the big school.

On paper, that is exactly what happened.

A little deeper look...

That smaller school had players from around the southern Indiana area and even one or two who had attended a private school in Louisville the previous year.

The bigger school relied heavily on a freshman and 3 sophomores who had not played much varsity basketball leading up to that moment. 

The smaller school relied on two juniors and a supporting cast that won their first round tournament series and was favored to go further.

And, the smaller school defeated us the previous year at our home as we were not nearly as good as we had been the previous few years, still...they won.

It was a great win for the smaller school, I am not trying to take anything away from them, but if you look deeper, I am not sure it warranted the Hoosiers nostalgia soundtrack.

This season, they come to our place and they are very good.

They have everyone back, but so do we.

They very well could win again, but I'd say this year would be a bigger win.

But...IF we win, it would be an upset because they are older have experienced more success!