
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Friday, March 2, 2018

I am a Fraud

I am a fraud.

The life I present to people in the real world is not who I am at home all the time.

The life I present online through social media is not who I am at home all of the time.

I am imperfect.

I lose my temper.

My life from the outside is not as "good" as it may seem by those just perusing my social media life.

I yell too much.

I lose my temper too often.

I am too impatient too many times.

Some people rub me so wrong that I have given up attempting to be close or understand them.

Some people, I wonder if they even deserve more chances to be understood.

And some of you read this and agree with everything I've written, you know I am not what I could be perceived to be.

You have dealt with my impatient side, my side that is short and attempts to be one up all the time.

Others understand and admire that I would be so transparent and honest and complimentary that I have been honest.

Which is part of the problem.

Do I always admit my downfalls in the real world?

I hope so.

Probably not as much as I should.

But I am trying.