
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I'm Tired

I'm at a loss for words.

I know that those who really know me know that I talk too much, but I really am at a loss for words.

The hypocrisy of society and what they will support as long as their is the correct political label by a name is mind numbing to me.

Watching good people take the fall for something they really don't deserve is mind numbing to me.

Watching life taken away in the whisp of a second is mind numbing to me.

Being surrounded by so many people who have no depth to their lives is mind numbing to me.

When I am talking depth, I am speaking of how they speak a certain set of ideals, but live differently. And I get's hard to do.

I am surrounded by so many angry and sad people living in a country that has so much "stuff".

But maybe it's me.

Maybe I'm the angry and sad person.

I believe there is a difference in happiness and joy...and lately my joy has been lessened as I watch and read how cruel and rude human beings are to each other.

I'm tired.

I do have my hope in Christ still, so I know....

It's gonna be ok.