
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, October 22, 2015

If in New York City...

Last summer, we went to NYC for a day. We did a lot of walking and one of the places we ended up was Times Square. Lots of people call Times Square the heart of America and maybe even the heart of the world, but we went there and the kids recognized where the ball drops on New Year's Even.

There were many Disney characters walking around as well as some, aheam, topless women. But Maddie loves these characters, I kind of figured something was up, but we kept walking by. These four grab Maddie and say "picture?". I give in and let her have a picture with them.

Mickey takes his head off and it's a woman who then propositions us for money. "Money?" I asked incredulously. I then asked how much and she wanted $20 per person.

I gave them $10.

We start to head to Bubba Gump's to eat and my daughter is crying. She was upset that they asked for money because she didn't think that would happen and she was afraid her mother and I would be angry with her.

We weren't.

I was more upset because they were there and took advantage of a child, but that's NYC for you. Really, that's a lot of places. They are trying to separate you from your money at least they do it here and it did put a temporary smile on Maddie's face.

So if you are in NYC and don't want to be hit up for money, avoid these characters.