
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 47: Jesus Washed His Disciples' Feet

Day 47

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. John 13:5

I like to read. I read my Bible, but I also read books that help with historical and cultural context of the Bible. Recently, I finished a book by John MacArthur called The Upper Room. It explained scripture for what we know as The Last Supper.

While reading, John 13:5 overwhelmed me. (Jesus) began to wash his disciples’ feet… MacArthur explains the cultural impact of this scripture. Because people in that area wore sandals, there was water in a bowl used to wash your feet when entering a house. Often, a slave would do it, as no one of worldly worth would wash your feet. It was beneath them to do so.

Yet, as the Disciples argued over positions of power under the new kingdom of Jesus, he got up, walked to the basin, and washed his disciples’ feet. Disciples’…plural. He washed Peter’s feet who would deny Christ three times not soon after. He washed all of the disciple’s feet, all whom would stand by, some running, not speaking for him as he was murdered.

Yet, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet.

Including Judas Iscariot. If you believe that Jesus was God incarnate, then Jesus knew what was to happen to him. He also knew that all of the disciples would desert him, and one of them would even betray him to his death.

Yet, he washed their feet.

A few years ago, I helped with Samaritan’s Feet at the Final Four in Indianapolis. They provide shoes for young people who need them. But before giving shoes, we take their shoes and socks off, wash their feet, and put oil on them. At first, it was hard to do. I had too much pride. But it became easier and a rewarding action of my life. Could I actually wash someone else’s feet though? It would be hard to do so publicly, and imagine if it were someone you knew had wronged you or will wrong you.

How often do we hold onto some wrong that we cannot let go? Big or small, we have all been wronged and yet we will not let go of that anger or bitterness. I know I’ve done it and I fight it every day.

Yet, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet.