
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

YFCA March 13, 2014

Senior Shelby Basham shared her testimony and it was a moving one.  She spoke of how attending FCA helped her, but then the passing of her grandmother and the pastor speaking of how great a Christian woman she was allowed her to go to heaven.  Also the pastor spoke on how if her grandmother's story would help just one person be saved, her death would be worth it.

Shelby loved her grandmother very much and was bitter with her passing.  However, when those words were spoken, she realized that all things happen for a purpose.  And one of the purposes of her grandmother's death was for Shelby to realize she needed eternal salvation. 

And that led to:

which has led to her being happier than she has ever been in her life.  The leadership of YFCA thank her for stepping up and showing vulnerability in sharing her story.