
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Friday, May 24, 2013

Writing Hiatus...?

With what is going on in my professional life, I wonder if maybe I should stop writing weekly for the News and Tribune.  I will continue to write in my blog either way, so it isn't like I will stop with my ideas and I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts here.  I know some have enjoyed reading my thoughts and some, maybe not so much.  But I hope I was able to get across some ideas of mine to a larger audience.

I was asked to start submitting an article before the March 2, 2012 tornado that took out Henryville High School while I was inside, but it seemed to coincide with when I started this endeavor.  I hope most people understand how cathartic that was for me in being able to share my feelings during that difficult time and that we are so thankful to those who reached out.

Sports are important.  They teach us so much about how to deal with life, or at least they should.  Winning is important.  That is why they keep score, but I hope that I have gotten across my belief that there are more important things than winning.  There is teaching young men and women to be good, tough human beings.  As a leader, you must understand the influence you have.  All leaders will make mistakes and turn people away, but we need to understand that and try to be better.  It is amazing how many athletes were involved in the heroism of the tornado that went through our area, and how some of the injured have stated that it was the lessons learned in athletics that got them through their toughest time.

I hope I have gotten across many good things going on in different schools in the Clark and Floyd county areas.  If I didn't cover your school, it was because I hadn't gotten around to it, and maybe in the future, I can get to those schools I missed.

I hope that you understand that my faith in God and his Son, Jesus Christ, is what helps guide my life, every day.  I have struggled, as we all do, in living for Him, but it is the single most important relationship in my life.  That relationship has improved my relationship in my marriage, with my children, and hopefully with other people.  I would be remiss as a Christian if I didn't tell you to follow Jesus, but don't do it because I tell you to, research it.  I can tell you that by taking classes at Louisville Bible College, I am understanding how much I did not know until now.  But Google apologetics and see how science, logic, reason, and history can subside any doubts you might have.

Why am I stopping in the submission of weekly articles?  I have decided that it is time to get back into coaching.  I will not be a head coach, I have no desire for that right now and maybe never will again, but I do want to get back to being with a team on a daily basis.  I have accepted an offer to run the Silver Creek intramurals and helping head coach Brandon Hoffman in any capacity. I am a basketball coach, I figured that out this winter and I want to be back at it.  I live in Sellersburg, my kids go to Silver Creek schools, and I believe that Brandon Hoffman is as good of a young coach that there is, but more importantly, he is a good father, husband, and person.  He is worried about getting better and winning, but he cares about his players and wants them to be good people (I know many coaches want this also) which are all things that I support and want to help with.

I feel that if I continue to submit weekly articles that there will be perceived ulterior motives or questions about what I am writing and I don't want to put that added pressure on the News and Tribune or Coach Hoffman.  However, if you think I will completely shutup, you don't know me very well.  I will continue to post things on my blog and who knows, maybe I will submit an article from time to time if they will have it.

Thanks to Jon Reiter for saying something to former Sports Editor Matt Koesters about having me share my thoughts weekly in the paper.  Thanks to Greg Mengelt and Kevin Harris for allowing me to continue and for editing my writings when it wasn't apparent what I was trying to get across.

Finally, thanks to everyone who read my articles, both those for and against what I said.  So many people have been complimentary about my rambling ignorance, and for that I am thankful. Hopefully, I made you reflect and think and justified why you do what you do or think what you think.  That's all I was trying to do.