
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Monday, September 19, 2011

To Whom Much is Given

I have a friend, she is a single mother and her son has SMA.  It is a disease that attacks the muscles.  She blogs about her experiences, and  I can tell you that blogging helps to get certain feelings and issues out and to help things not get bottled up.  But you can read and admire so much what they deal with by reading her words.

When you read about their issues it helps to put certain things I/we deal with in proper perspective.  I get pretty much fed up with certain things that go on as a teacher and coach, but in the grand scheme of isn't that big of a deal.  Many of the things my players deal with may seem large to them, but in the grand scheme of things, it isn't that big of a deal.

I try to get through to our guys how fortunate they are in that they get to play Indiana and sometimes I wonder if they get it.  I think I need to get across more so that they are lucky that they get to play basketball...period.  There are many people who would love to trade them places and there are many of those people that admire them simply because they can run up and down the floor playing a game.

How many of my guys take that for granted?  I would bet most if not all and the reason I know that is that I was a dumb kid once, too.  The kind of perspective to understand how special and lucky you are, I fear, only comes with the benefit of experience and suffering through that experience brought on by bad decisions.

My goal is to get our guys involved in more community service and to visit those who are less fortunate.  Because I do believe that for those to whom much is given, much is expected....and we should be expecting more from ourselves.