
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Things I Have Learned About Iceland

Reading about a culture and actually partaking in it are two very different things.  Here are a few things that I have learned about Iceland.

1.  The horses here have 5 gaits or ways of running.  I went to a horse show the other night and it was interesting.  At one point, two riders rode around the building holding beverages and didn't spill a drop. 

2.  The police have a relatively easy job in this town.  Very nice, quiet and rarely too much going on as far as craziness.  Lots going on, just not bad stuff.

3.  It is cold here in June.  The locals say it is unusually cold for this time of year, but when they talk about how "warm" it usually is, it still sounds cold to me.

4. Icelandic is harder to try and learn than Serb or Makedonian.  Thankfully, I was able to learn many of the kids names, but some, well, I will just say sorry. 

5.  The coach I have worked with is Serbian.  I have actually translated between the Iceland kids and Coach Goran Miljevic a few times as they couldn't understand each other's a translator?

6.  People are proud of where they come from no matter where it it should be.

7.  People are often willing to do many things to help a visitor out...thanks to all who have made this week enjoyable.

8.  Did I mention it's cold?  In June?

9.  The kids here want to excel as any that I have been around in the states...especially the younger group of girls I have been around this week.  Good athletes, good basketball players and totoal competitors!!!

10.  The sun never completely sets in June here.  The picture above is an example of 3 AM here. 

11.  It's cold!