
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Philosophies on Success or How to Get Rich Telling Others to Buy Your Book

I read a lot and many of the books I read are about how to be a successful person/coach/teacher, just fill in the blank. There are some things I have noticed.
First is often these books on success are written by successful people. Those people who have won awards or championships have written these books and people want to buy them. Who wouldn't? I mean they have won what I want so I will read their book and find out their "secret". What I find, and I mean just about every time, is that they claim that winning championships, awards or titles is not what it is all about! I believe them but how easy is it for someone who has won what the world thinks is important to claim that it isn't....important?

The reason anyone is listening to them and buying their book is because they have won what we want. They have made it to the top of the mountain we want to climb and then while standing up there are telling us the view isn't that good. That we need to do what we do for different reasons, again, I agree, but it is easy to make that assessment while standing on top of the mountain. I have found that while reading these books that people who have made it to the top and are claiming that is not what is life is about made their way to the top with a laser focus to get to the top.

Second, I have noticed that most of the things these people do to be successful are similar. They get up early, put more time in, have a positive outlook, self-motivation, etc. If these are the keys and if everyone is doing what the successful people told them to do to be successful why are we not all successful?

I will tell you why. Most people who read these books lack probably the most important thing that is needed to be a success. Self-motivation and mental toughness. To me, mental toughness is everything. Most people read these books and change for a short time but don't do what many of these books say must happen...the change must become permanent, a habit. So, we continue to buy these books on success making the successful more succesful all the while not following their advice.

However, I believe that success is not about standing on top of the mountain (easy for a guy who hasn't been there, huh?). It is about making a positive difference, and the relationships that you make along the way. It is about helping others and if championships and awards come with that, so be it.

Success is about making the big time where you are. It is about pulling people up and bettering themselves. It is about being a better person, father, husband, coach, teacher, son, uncle. It isn't about being "Father of the Year", the title. It is about being "Father of Madison and Brandon" and hopefully developing them into positive people who will pass it on.

It isn't about being "Coach of the Year", it is about being the best possible coach of the team you have right now. Making them better players and people who will make a difference in the world.

Finally, the most successful people you will find often aren't those who are standing on top of the mountain that everyone else is looking at. They are people who are standing on top of the mountain that is often not seen as a mountain to conquer. They are people who will live, fight, and die making a positive difference and many of us will never know their names and to them I want to say "thank you" for all you do without being recognized with worldly awards.