
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Winding and grinding....down

Haven't had too much access to the Internet the last few days and it has been kinda nice to not be in touch with the outer world, but I won't lie...can't wait to get home and see my family and be connected to the outside world again.

One session ended here in Ohrid and another started. Really good players showed up in this group. Untapped talent that many colleges could take advantage of with players.

I have been invited to work camps next year in Iceland, Ireland, a couple in Serbia and invited back here to Macedonia. It will be hard to pass up, but I don't think I can ever be away from my family again for this long. A big thank you to my wife Kristi for allowing this....

Gave another clinic in a classroom setting and will do one final one on the court in the morning. Then quick shower, hit the road to Skopje and take in the capital for a few hours. Flying from there to Belgrade where I will leave at 6:45 AM and head to Frankfurt, Germany then to Newark, NJ. There I check in then fly to Cleveland then to Louisville, KY.

Will recap my thoughts when I get back. So many things to write about and so many thoughts. I can say this with no regrets....I am a different person and hopefully better person after this experience.