
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Monday, April 12, 2010

Elementary camps...

I often hear that coaches do not do enough for their programs. Often it is a criticism that the coach doesn't have elementary or jr. high camps, they don't have enough camps or if they do, the stuff that goes on isn't good enough.

All of those items could be debated as could playing time, playing style and every other thing that coaches are criticized for, but one item rarely brought up is participation. The doors can be open, but if the kids do not come, it isn't the coaches fault.

As coaches, we want as many kids in the gym as possible. I have tried different times of the year, different payment scales, and different items given out at camp besides knowledge and I have found that none of those variables hinders attendance.

I run my camps in the fall and spring and I realize that I will have some conflict with youth football and baseball, but I have had the camps during the summer with little conflict and have as many students show up either way. So, I have decided to do what is convenient for myself and family.

In the summer, I spend many hours with my high school players now that we can practice and play games, so camps are held during the school year before our practice begins and after our season ends.

Email me at with feedback on what I can do to increase the numbers at my camps. I realize that football and baseball will be in the way of school camps, but non school camps have equal attendance. I go for an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. I give out a t-shirt every single time, and often have prizes for individuals each day. When I get a large number of anything free with HHS on it, I give it away.

I would love to have camps where we need to use 3 gyms and so many boys that we are overcrowded, but it has not been the scenario as yet.