
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Friday, April 17, 2015

Sometimes the Words Depart

I am an assistant coach now. It is much less stressful, it is much less demanding and pressure packed. It can be much less fulfilling, too, but that's the downside when you aren't in charge. Right now, I wouldn't change it for anything.

Before I was a head coach, I was an assistant. I had all of the answers and just knew that if I were in charge I could do a better job. Then I became a head coach and realized how uninformed I was before. You learn so much when you become a head coach, you can never be truly prepared.

Now as an assistant, I know what the head coach is dealing with and I try to lighten the load. I know now that I was uninformed and try to realize that I still am in many ways. But I have found that I have less to write about as an assistant coach.

It's not that there aren't things to write about, there are, but not in a cathartic way where I can get something off my mind by writing here. Also, I don't want to write anything that could be construed as me questioning my head coach or that he may have to answer for because of me.

So I end up writing about my faith and family more.

And really, they're the most important things to me in this life.