
33 years coaching experience/Worked Camps/Clinics on 6 Continents

Friday, November 16, 2012

View from the Bleachers

As the boys' basketball season is to begin next week, I have noticed some different things about how I feel.  I have been able to attend many practices all ready, but do not feel the need to help. I had grown weary of practice the last two seasons, and I don't miss it.  Games might be a different matter.  That is where the competition is and I still appreciate the joy of victory, just not caring so much for the agony of defeat.

I am getting excited for the season to begin.  Excited to see the team I coached for the last 7 years to begin their season without me at the helm.  Excited to watch other games that I haven't been able to do for many years.  Exicted to call some games for WBIS and to continue writing my weekly column.  Excited to be asked for help and advice by coaches as I have nothing but the best intentions for their successes. Finally, excited to spend so much more time with my wife and kids.

I pray that I continue to be positive in all circumstances this winter, but it could be hard at times.  If you want to complain about a coach, stay away from me, I am a coaches advocate and you just might end up in my next article.  Good luck to all teams as the girls season keeps going and the boys get started, I cannot wait to watch more practices this winter of so many coaches who I respect.